Kishalay Das
PMRF Fellow @CNeRG Group
Indian Institiute of Technology, Kharagpur

I am Kishalay Das (কিশলয় দাস), in bengali "Kishalay" means small new born leaves of the spring and if you find it difficult to pronounce, you can simply call me KD.
I am broadly interested in Graph Representation Learning and Machine Learning. My recent research has been aligned to representation learning over molecular and crystal graphs using Graph Neural Network (GNN). Currently, I am pursuing Ph.D. at Complex Networks Research Group (CNeRG), IIT-Kharagpur, under supervision of Prof. Niloy Ganguly and Prof. Pawan Goyal.
I have completed M.Tech (2020) from the Department of Computer Science and Automation (CSA) at Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore and B.Tech (2012) from Meghnad Saha Instiute Of Technology, Kolkata. During my masters, I was fortunate to work under supervision of Prof. M.N.Murty in the domain of Representation Learning on Graphs and Hyper graphs.
Prior to joining M.Tech, I spent wonderful years working with Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Tata Consultancy Services and Accenture Pvt. Ltd.
In my free time I create educational content on YouTube and share my experiences. Please have a look here.
Feel free to connect me at kishalay[dot]msit[at]gmail[dot]com.
Google Scholar Research Gate DBLP LinkedIn Github Blog CV | Youtube
- Our work "TGDMat" Accepted at ICLR 2025
- Honoured to be nominated as one of the top reviewers at LOG 2024
- Presented PhD work at KDD 2024 PhD Consortium [Vlog]
- Participated in the LOGML Summer School 2024 [Vlog]
- Attended Research Week with Google-2024, at Bangalore, 29th-31st January.
- Attened UAI-2023 and Presented Our work "CrysMMNet" [Poster] [Vlog]
- Received Google Travel Grant for UAI-2023 Conference.
- Successfully Delivered PhD Registration Seminar [Slides]
- Our work "CrysMMNet" Accepted in UAI-2023 [Paper] [Code]
- "CrysGNN" Accepted in ML4Materials Workshop @ ICLR-2023
- Presented our Paper "CrysGNN" at AAAI-2023 (Virtually). [Slide] [Vlog]
- Attended Research Week with Google-2023, at Bangalore, 29th-31st January. [Vlog]
- Attended IndoML-2022, at IITGN, 15-17th December [Vlog]
- One Paper "CrysGNN" Accepted in AAAI-2023 [Paper] [arXiv] [Code] [Video]
- Honoured to be selected for the prestigious Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF) December cycle 2021
- Our work "CrysXPP"" got accepted in NPJ Computational Materials (Nature) Journal. [Paper] [Slides] [Video] [Page]